How to Grow Your Hair Fast: 7 Obvious Steps for Hair Growth - The Hair Fuel

How to Grow Your Hair Fast: 7 Obvious Steps for Hair Growth


Not all of us are lucky enough to grow Rapunzel-like mane in the blink of an eye. We are told to be patient, we are told to wait. For some of us, the wait is even longer for a variety of reasons. From this moment and until the time you get to the desired length, the next season of Game of Thrones will be out. And THAT’s a long time. However our point is – it needn’t be so long. Follow these steps to boost up your hair growth to compete with the khaleesi herself.

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1. Use natural oil for hair growth

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Massaging your scalp with natural oils, ideally before going to bed, not only helps relax your body but is also beneficial in the faster hair growth. Castor oil is the best for hair growth but probably the hardest one to wash out – not something to avoid, but definitely to be mindful of. Distribute the oil of choice evenly throughout the scalp and massage your hair. Loosely tie your hair in a pony tail with metal-free hairband and put a towel on your pillow to avoid the oily mess in your bedsheets. Wash your hair first thing in the morning. This way, the oil will penetrate your scalp to keep it moisturised and healthy.

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Take The Hair Fuel quiz to find out which hair oil is right for you.

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2. Give yourself some scalp massage love

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Think about the time of day when you can commit to 2-5 minutes of scalp massage. Is it before going to bed? Is it right before getting up? Whichever it is, make sure to stick with it.

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As a side note – avoid furiously massaging your scalp when washing your hair or right after a wash – hot water opens up cuticles of your hair making it more susceptible to damage.

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To get the best results, start from the back and move till the hairline.

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3. Consider trimming

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Frequency of hair trims really depends on the state of your hair: if you style your hair frequently, it leads to dryness and more split ends – you might need more frequent trims. On the opposite end, if you tend to air dry your hair most of the time and your hair ends are healthy with minimal split ends, chances are you won’t need that many trims. Which is great news if you’re growing it long! Although trimming isn’t going to help you grow your hair faster, it would help in reducing the split ends that make it look weak and malnourished by the time you reach the desired length (if you do!). Trimming will prevent split ends and also ensures your hair is smooth, glossy and healthy-looking.

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4. Minimise bleaching

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Everyone can feel like changing their hair colour once in a while, it’s playful – and it often signifies a change within us by changing something on the outside. However be very cautious about bleaching your locks. Following a major hair trend is fashionable and it IS fun, but it isn’t good for your hair. Bleaching the hair damages the cuticles and increases the breakage risk. Make sure to undergo the least possible chemical treatments to ensure healthy hair growth.

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5. Avoid harsh shampoos and soaps

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A healthy scalp is the key to healthy hair. If you don’t nourish your scalp, never expect a miraculous hair growth either. You should always cleanse your hair with gentle eco-friendly products avoiding harsh chemicals  – focus on natural shampoos. Think logically: if it is bad for nature, how could it be good for your scalp? Using eco-friendly natural products is a good rule of thumb in this quest.

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6. Eat the right food

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Just like a plant needs right nutrients for proper growth, so does our hair. Nourish it from within: your eating habits affect the health of your hair long-term. Don’t expect overnight success from eating a stick of celery the night before, but making small, mindful changes to your diet, introducing balance of macronutrients will ensure growth and health of your hair. Increase your protein intake with consuming, fish, beans, nuts and whole grains to get the desired results.

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7. Avoid using heat styling tools

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It is okay to style your hair for a party but regularly over-styling is a sure way to damage. Always apply a heat protectant and reduce the temperature to minimise the damage to your hair cuticles. But don’t fool yourself, even with heat protectants, too much of heat can lead to frizz and breakage.

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Treat your hair with love and care, protect and nourish it – just like you do with your skin. Or think about it as a very expensive piece of cloth – you wouldn’t machine wash and tumble dry it would you?

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Finally, use The Hair Fuel mask every week to ensure that your now cared-for and loved-up hair is pumped up for growth!

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