Every month we feature a customer success story, to inspire you on your hair growth journey. This time we spoke to Jane from England who shared her path back to her gorgeous silvers.
Tell us a bit about your hair journey, Jane.
I’ve done just about everything to my hair possible over my lifetime. I’ve dyed it all different colours, chopped it off, bleached it, put low-lights in, used heat products without protecting my hair, exposed it to sun, chlorine and various hair products and I noticed that after years of abusing my hair it was time to ditch the dye. My hair couldn’t take anymore, it started to break and I was losing a lot of it each time I washed it or brushed it. I was gifted a months supply of The Hair Fuel and decided to give it a try.

Why did you decide to try The Hair Fuel?
I honestly wasn’t sure what to expect with the product. I started to follow The Hair Fuel on Instagram and read about other people’s results and I started to monitor my own changes. I’d been averaging 1 cm of growth each month, and the first month of using The Hair Fuel my hair had grown 2 cm! The baby hairs around my forehead had grown longer and there was definitely more hair growing. My hairdresser told me that she could feel the difference in my hair only 2 months later. I also noticed that I wasn’t losing as many hairs in my brush or when I washed it.
What results have you experienced with the mask?
The thing that impressed me the most with the mask, was the fact that I received weekly emails giving me information on how to boost the growth of my hair. I started to apply the suggestions and I couldn’t believe the results within the first month. I started stretching out my wash days. Instead of washing my hair every third day I started washing it every 5 days. Then I started massaging my scalp several times a week and I applied a hair oil (the first time I’ve used one in my life). I cut out flat ironing and air dried my hair until it was 80% dry and then used a lower heat setting on my hair drier.
What advice could you share with someone who is struggling in their hair growth journey?
My advice to anyone that tries this product is to be patient. Stick to the weekly mask sessions (it’s only 45 mins a week). Take the advice that Laura gives to you each week in the emails that she sends to you. I find that the mask time is “me” time. It’s become a ritual that I love. Invest in yourself - you deserve it!
Thank you so much for sharing your story, Jane!
We hope it inspires you to take a stand for your hair health and find something that works for you.
Curious to try The Hair Fuel mask for yourself? Shop our bundles here >> .